Trinity school of medicine

The 5-Year combined pre-medical and medical degree program was designed for students in countries outside the U.S. and Canada where higher secondary education (and the Higher Secondary Exam) immediately precede entry to professional degree programs.
Students who have completed a Higher Secondary Certificate in a Sciences stream including Biology, Chemistry and Physics are strong candidates for this program. 
The three-term Pre-Medical and ten-term Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree programs, in combination, offer a comprehensive medical education and prepare students for post graduate education in the U.S.

How is the Combined Program Structured? 

 Students who have earned college level credit concurrently during the completion of secondary school or attained credits from undergraduate institutions are encouraged to apply to the Pre-Medical program as these credits will be considered in the admissions process. Most students entering Trinity School of Medicine's Pre-Medical program directly from secondary school will require a minimum of 5 years to attain their MD degree. Students will generally attend three consecutive terms per year. The year-round format reduces the length of time required compared to other programs. Students may choose to take a term off between the programs and again in preparation for the Step 1 board exam, with faculty approval. The timeline below shows the entire program in consecutive terms:

Trinity's 5-Year Program Time Line to Earn and MD

Is acceptance into the MD or Doctor of Medicine program automatic if I pass my Pre-Medical courses?

Like any other undergraduate program, certain criteria must be met in order to be enrolled in the Doctor of Medicine program, including a sufficient Grade Point Average in the core sciences. Students who successfully complete all requirements of the Pre-Medical year with a minimum of a 3.0 cumulative grade point average with no more than three (3) grades lower than a B will be considered for promotion to Trinity School of Medicine's Doctor of Medicine degree program.

What is the advantage of Trinity's Five-Year Program?

Enrollment in Trinity School of Medicine's 5-Year Program will better prepare you for achieving residency and licensure in the United States.
The class size for the first year (3 terms) is limited to 25 students. You will attend classes in a year round format (trimesters) building towards promotion to the MD program in year two.  The curriculum was designed with the same pre-requisites US students complete to offer you a level playing field for Step 1, Step 2CS and CK and residency. Other advantages include:
  • Instruction from, and interaction with, the MD faculty and students
  • Classes held on the Medical School campus
  • Testing and preparation beginning in the Pre-Medical program to better prepare you for a strong score on NBME and USMLE type exams
  • Earlier acclimation to the island, climate, faculty, and school, prior to the more demanding MD curriculum
  • Opportunities to shadow faculty and students at the hospital, and be mentored by medical students and tutors who have mastered the basic science coursework of the MD program
  • Ability to determine early in your studies if medicine is the right choice for you


Applicants should complete the online application and include their school transcripts for review by the Assistant Director of Admissions for the 5-Year combined program. 
Students with Non-English transcripts may be asked to have their credentials evaluated by World Education Services (WES), an accredited member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services. Once your academic credentials have been received, a decision on your application for admission can be made. Accepted applicants whose previous academic work is determined to be equivalent to courses in the Pre-Medical curriculum will be granted credit for those courses and exempted from taking courses that cover topics and disciplines the student has mastered.

Enrollment Periods

Applicants for admission to the 5-year combined program may apply to start in January, May or September of any given year. Each term is approximately 15 weeks in length.

Class Size and Deferred Admissions

Class size is presently limited to no more than 25 students. Once a class is filled, applicants seeking admission to that class may be deferred to the next Term. For this reason it is recommended that interested persons apply for admission as early as possible.

Tuition and Expenses 

  • All fees, tuition, or monitory amounts mentioned on this site are in U.S. currency.
  • Commitment Deposit - $500.00. Non-refundable deposit must be submitted within two (2) weeks of admission notification. Proceeds apply as a credit to the tuition amount upon enrollment.
YearTermTuitionFees*Term Total
Year-OneTerm 1 $  3,000$275$    3,275
Year-OneTerm 2 $  3,000$275$    3,275
Year-OneTerm 3 $  3,000$275$    3,275
Year-TwoTerm 1 $13,500$275$  13,725
Year-TwoTerm 2 $13,500$425$  13,925
Year-TwoTerm 3 $13,500$275$  13,725
Year-ThreeTerm 4 $13,500$425$  13,925
Year-ThreeTerm 5 $13,500$425$  13,925
Year-ThreeTerm 6 $13,500$225$  13,725
Year-FourTerm 7 $13,500$225$  13,725
Year-FourTerm 8 $13,500$225$  13,725
Year-FourTerm 9 $13,500$225$  13,725
Year-FiveTerm 10 $13,500$225$  13,725
 * Fees differ from term to term and are assessed as follows:
  • Records Administration Fee $225/term
  • Student Activity Fee $50/term to fund activities of the Student Government Asso. in  St. Vincent.
  • Shelf Exam Fee $150 for year two, term two; year three term four and five to administer the National Board of Medical Examiners comprehensive exams. 


Trinity provides textbook and supply schedules to assist students in securing the appropriate books and supplies for their term of study. Freshman students assuming a full schedule of courses should budget $500 to $600 to satisfy their book and supply needs. This amount may be less if the student is operating on a modified schedule or elects to purchase used books. Trinity maintains an approved online textbook order program that students may utilize to acquire books and supplies (see link on homepage). We encourage all students to utilize this service.

Health Insurance

Health insurance is mandatory while students are enrolled with Trinity School of Medicine. Trinity offers a Student Health Care, coverage is provided by Worldwide Expatriate Association (WEA).
The cost of the policy is currently $580.00 per term.
Students may have access to or be currently enrolled in an alternate health insurance program through a spouse or other family member. Students may continue with their current plan if it provides coverage essentially equivalent to the Trinity Program. Students utilizing this approach must provide proof of coverage in a form acceptable to Trinity prior to or at registration.


All first year students are required to maintain residence on Campus unless residing with family member or relatives that are permanent residents of St. Vincent. This policy affords students adequate to time to acclimate to school and new living environment. Residence Hall quarters feature private bedrooms and community living, bath, and kitchen facilities for two occupants. Each unit offers internet service and all utilities. Costs are $600.00 per occupant, per month or $2400.00 per term.
Residence Hall applications are due no less than four (4) weeks prior to the first day of class.

Living expenses

Students should budget $1,750 -$2,500 per term for food and personal expenses.

Admission Requirements

  1. Graduation from secondary school in a college preparatory curriculum that includes the sciences (chemistry, biology, physics and upper level mathematics (calculus or trigonometry) and English.
  2. Completed Higher Secondary School or the equivalent of 10+2.
    *Optional AIIMS or AIPMT Entrance Exam(s).
  3. Proficiency in reading, writing, and speaking English.
    »Visit the English Language Proficiency page for more details.
  4. Minimum age of 18.
  5. No record of felony convictions or a criminal background. A criminal background check is required by all US hospitals that accept medical school students for clerkships. A criminal record will make you ineligible to participate in clerkship training in the US.
  6. Residence and citizenship status from a nation that is neither under sanctions by the United States Government or listed with Travel Advisories by the United States Government web site. Sanctions and/or travel advisories may prohibit students from obtaining the required visa for entry into the United States to perform clerkships. Individuals ineligible for admission to the United States are ineligible for admission to any program offered by Trinity School of Medicine.

English Proficiency Requirements

Trinity School of Medicine Students
All applicants for study at the Trinity School of Medicine whose native language is not English must demonstrate proficiency in English through either the Internet Based Test of English as a Foreign Language (IBT-TOEFL) or the academic format of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). The test must have been taken within two years of the first term of enrollment.
To submit test scores to Trinity School of Medicine, please have the testing agency send scores directly to Trinity School of Medicine Office of Admissions. Photocopies of score reports will not be accepted.
Minimum Required Scores on English Proficiency Examinations

Minimum Required Scores on TOEFL Internet Based Test (IBT)
Minimum Score:

Minimum Required Scores on International English Language Test (IELTS)
(Academic Modules)
Minimum Score:
Academic Reading
Academic Writing
Overall Band Score:

Testing Agencies and Reporting Scores to Trinity School of Medicine
The Internet Based Test - Test of English as a Foreign Language (IBT-TOEFL) is administered by TOEFL/TSE Services.
Educational Testing Services
(The TOEFL institutional code for Trinity School of Medicine is:4551)
»Click here for more information 

The International English Language Testing System is jointly managed by British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia and the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations (Cambridge ESOL) through more than 500 locations in 120 countries. For additional information on the examination and testing locations and schedules, visit the IELTS web site.
Trinity School of Medicine has applied for an IELTS institutional code for reporting scores. Trinity's institutional code will be published as soon as it is received from the IELTS web site.
Exemption from Testing Requirements for Non-native Speakers of English
The Dean of Caribbean Studies may consider and grant exceptions to the minimum English proficiency requirements on a case-by-case basis.

International applicants who are citizens of or have earned bachelor's or higher degrees from English-speaking accredited institutions in the US, Great Britain, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, or the English-speaking provinces of Canada are not required to submit scores from English proficiency examinations (TOEFL or IELTS). Applicants from all other nations are required to submit TOEFL or IELTS scores even if English is their primary language.

Non-native speakers of English who have earned a degree at the baccalaureate level or higher from a foreign institution where the language of instruction is English may be exempted from the English proficiency testing requirement. Documentation that the degree granting institution conducted all instruction in English must be provided to the Office of Admissions before the granting of an exemption will be considered.

Student Visa Information 

Trinity School of Medicine Visa Requirements

St. Vincent & the Grenadines Campus

Pre-Medical Students
There are no visa requirements at this time for your studies in St. Vincent. However, you must have a valid passport and a return ticket to your homeland upon arrival. There is a small departure fee $16.00 each time you leave the island. There are no departure fees for inter-island travel within the Grenadines currently.

Visa Requirements for U.S. Clinical Rotations (Clerkships)

All Students who are not citizens of the United States will require a student visa for the 5 terms of clerkship rotations at U.S. Hospitals in Medical School. Please review the following link to the US Department of State for up to date information:
The Registrar's office at Trinity School of Medicine will direct and assist you to obtain the proper Visa information based on your country of residency.
Since your course of study is more than 18 hours a week during your clerkship rotations, you will need a student visa. Please read the information on how to apply for an F1, J1 or M1 student visa. For additional student related information, visit the EducationUSA web site created by the Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs to learn about educational opportunities for undergraduate and graduate study, opportunities for scholars, financial aid, testing, admissions, and much more.

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