MCAT score at Trinity school of medicine

You are more than your MCAT score at Trinity
The MCAT has a goal, and one we (theoretically) support: It’s supposed to be a metric to determine future performance in medical school, a way to determine if a student can succeed in the intensive academic environment. However, we feel most medical schools over-apply that idea and use it to weed students out. Rather than a predictor, it’s used as an ever-changing barrier to entry, allowing top test performers to move on to the next round of admissions and leaving many qualified applicants out in the cold, in the middle of a physician shortage, no less. We wanted to change that, to provide a high quality medical education in a supportive environment with an admissions process that looks at the entire student. So we did.

Low MCAT Score? Don't Worry

First, as a disclosure: we do still require the MCAT, but we treat it as a student’s starting point (more on that, later), not an estimate of their potential. For the majority of applicants of any school, there’s relevant work experience, internships, letters of recommendation, strategic extracurriculars, shadowing, as well as intangibles like drive, focus, and dedication. We don’t think it’s fair that out of all that, getting into a medical school with a low MCAT score is such a challenge, leaving so many students out of the race before it starts and scrambling for a medical school that accepts a low MCAT score. Suddenly, students find themselves with a challenge above and beyond enrolling and then attending medical school itself: getting into medical school with a low MCAT score. The options were not always great, either, so we decided to change that and be the great option.
So, what did we mean by treating the exam as a starting point? As you know, the MCAT is a complex test made up of a number of subjects, refined regularly in the hopes of giving medical schools a better understanding of a student’s potential. We have found, though, that it is a better evaluation of what a student has already learned in their undergraduate institution, or even just how they were feeling on test day. In 2016, the average MCAT score was a 499. At the same time, the minimum threshold to be considered was the 60th and up. This means the average MCAT score for medical school admissions was 505. We simply do not agree that five points on a single exam, in light of every other factor that needs to be considered when evaluating admissions, should dictate the difference between consideration for medical school and being cast off.

High GPA and Low MCAT Score

We approach the admissions process from a more holistic standpoint. We understand how a student can feel lost despite all of their hard work and accomplishment, especially those in the frustrating position of having a high GPA and a low MCAT, or even more challenging, grades that have been deflated by circumstances beyond a student’s control, like working full time, supporting a family, untimely illness or the death of a loved one. We take those elements into account when we evaluate students and, so far, it hasn’t lead us astray. Trinity students with a (relatively) low GPA and MCAT score have gone on to earn top Step-1 scores and secure fiercely competitive residencies. So while we do require the MCAT, and the score is a factor, it’s one of the many aspects you can put into the proper context with the admissions team.

Why Trinity Is A Medical School That Accepts Low MCAT Scores

Trinity School of Medicine is the realization of many medical students’ dreams. We are a school that combines extensive early clinical experience in our basic sciences campus of St. Vincent and the Grenadines with organized, effective rotations in a unified program in Baltimore, MD. And if you consider your education an investment in your own future, our return on that investment is high: our tuition is in the mid-to-low range while we deliver top tier outcomes.
For more information about why Trinity School of medicine is the Caribbean's best kept secret contact one of our admissions specialists today. Or explore other options we offer including our admissions predictor or online medical school application form.

Courses & Curriculum

Trinity School of Medicine offers a 5-year program consisting of one year of pre-medical, university-level courses in the sciences and humanities. The curriculum is designed to provide students with the appropriate foundation for the rigors of MD program curriculum at Trinity School of Medicine. 
Year One Courses and Credits  |  MD Curriculum Years Two through Five >>

Year One Pre-Medical Course Summaries

  • Medical Terminology 
    This course will provide the necessary framework to learn the basic rules and elements of medical terms. The course will focus on how to break down medical terms into their components: prefix, suffix and root. By learning the individual parts of medical terms, students will be able to understand their origins, definitions and abbreviations in addition to pronunciation and spelling.
  • Freshman Seminar 
    Trinity will ensure that your study will be effective from day one. The freshman course familiarizes students with the specifics of our Trinity academic culture and the Trinity academic family of students, faculty, and staff. Under the guidance of the Dean of Students, every student will individually draft an academic Personal Development Plan and start to compile the academic Personal Portfolio file.
  • First Aid Responder
    Every Trinity student is required to certify or re-certify in Basic Life Support as a freshman. Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), Trauma Evaluation and Management (TEAM), Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) and other advanced courses will be offered throughout the terms at Trinity Medicine.
  • Cell Molecular Biology 
    This is a foundation course for the better understanding of the professional MD program courses like Histology & Cell Biology and Physiology. This course covers structure and functions of cells from molecular and biochemical perspectives. Various cell types, their organization into tissues, transport of substances into or outside the cell (exo- and endocytosis), signal transduction pathways, roles of different cellular organelle, cell division and protein synthesis are important topics in this course. Cell cycle, control of growth and tumor genesis are also taught here. Clinical studies and clinical case scenarios are used extensively to familiarize students with concepts needed in the practice of medicine.
  • Organic Chemistry I & II with Lab
    This course covers basic principles of structure and nomenclature of organic compounds, both aliphatic and aromatic. It emphasizes the principles of chemical reactions of organic compounds and the synthesis or degradation of bio-molecules in human metabolism. Saturated hydrocarbons, unsaturated hydrocarbons, cis-trans isomerism and addition reactions are covered. Lab activities include the use of models for the design of hydrocarbon and isomer structures. Experiments such as purification or separation, physical characterization, reaction types, and synthesis of organic compounds are included.  Lab activities are focused in the detection and identification of the presence of the functional groups studied in the course in molecules of biomedical relevance as proteins, drugs, and others.
  • Statistics
    This course is an introduction to statistical concepts and analytical methods as applied to data in biomedical sciences. It emphasizes the basic concepts of quantitative analysis of data, and statistical inferences. Topics include probability, frequency distributions, central tendency and dispersion; hypothesis testing, confidence intervals for means, variances and proportions; the chi-square statistics; data analysis and linear correlation. The course provides students a foundation to evaluate information critically.
  • Introduction to Anatomy
    This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the structure of the organ systems of the body. Course content will include study of the musculoskeletal, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, urinary, immune, reproductive, and endocrine systems. Students will understand the key principles in human anatomy and recognize the unique role of anatomy in clinical settings. The course covers the anatomical terminology to describe the basic structures of the human body.
  • Introduction to Physiology
    This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the function and regulation of the organ systems of the body and physiological integration of the systems to maintain homeostasis. Students receive a quantitative and integrated concept of sub cellular, cellular and organ system functions. 
  • Communication Skills I & II
    This course exposes students to the basic communication strategies such as speaking, listening, observing and memory training.
  • Medical Ethics
    The course engages students with three classical questions: 'What is real?'; 'How do we know?'' and 'How should we live?' The course gives students the opportunity to explore he world of medical concepts from both contemporary and historical perspectives. Students are provided with an apprenticeship in concept clarification, concept evaluation, and argument. They are taught the specific skills to inquire, reason, and make judgments. The history of medical ethics, major views medical issues such as the conflicts between different types of benefits to patients, physician duties, or patient autonomy are discussed.
  • Research Methods
    This course introduces students to the two types of research; Qualitative and Quantitative and their associated research methods. Students will be provided with the skills needed to carry out intensive research and systematic analysis.
  • Introduction to Microbiology
    This course provides basic concepts of microbiology with emphasis on microbial pathogenesis and immunity. Medically important microorganisms including bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa, and the diseases which they produce are covered. The course focuses on human diseases caused by microorganisms, its prevention and treatment. The laboratory section illustrates the diagnostic applications of immunological and microbiological techniques related to human diseases.
  • Introduction to Psychology
    The course is an introduction to the main fields and theories in Psychology and their respective theorists. This course will require that the students objectively analyze the contribution of these theorists and the implications of their theories. (topics in the field of psychology. The course content includes the biology of behavior, learning, memory, cognition, motivation, emotion, personality, abnormal behavior and its therapies, social behavior and individual differences. The course includes coverage of dealing effectively with the demands of everyday life, interpersonal relationships, and approaches to personal growth.)
  • Introduction to Biochemistry 
    This single term course offers the basics of biochemistry. The knowledge and skills acquired will help students understand more complicated concepts presented in the medical education program.
  • Introduction to Genetics 
    In medical genetics, students are expected to develop a basic understanding of Mendelian laws, pedigree studies, structure and replication of nucleic acids (DNA & RNA), gene expression, bacterial and viral genetics and population genetics.
  • Introduction to Medical Laboratory Technology 
    This course provides an introduction to clinical applications of chemistry, hematology, immunohematology (blood banking), immunology, microbiology, serology, urinalysis and miscellaneous body fluid analysis, as well as to good laboratory practice (GLP) including standardization and quality assurance.

Tuition and Expenses 

  • All fees, tuition, or monitory amounts mentioned on this site are in U.S. currency.
  • Commitment Deposit - $500.00. Non-refundable deposit must be submitted within two (2) weeks of admission notification. Proceeds apply as a credit to the tuition amount upon enrollment.
YearTermTuitionFees*Term Total
Year-OneTerm 1 $  3,000$275$    3,275
Year-OneTerm 2 $  3,000$275$    3,275
Year-OneTerm 3 $  3,000$275$    3,275
Year-TwoTerm 1 $13,500$275$  13,725
Year-TwoTerm 2 $13,500$425$  13,925
Year-TwoTerm 3 $13,500$275$  13,725
Year-ThreeTerm 4 $13,500$425$  13,925
Year-ThreeTerm 5 $13,500$425$  13,925
Year-ThreeTerm 6 $13,500$225$  13,725
Year-FourTerm 7 $13,500$225$  13,725
Year-FourTerm 8 $13,500$225$  13,725
Year-FourTerm 9 $13,500$225$  13,725
Year-FiveTerm 10 $13,500$225$  13,725
 * Fees differ from term to term and are assessed as follows:
  • Records Administration Fee $225/term
  • Student Activity Fee $50/term to fund activities of the Student Government Asso. in  St. Vincent.
  • Shelf Exam Fee $150 for year two, term two; year three term four and five to administer the National Board of Medical Examiners comprehensive exams.