MBBS in USA – MBBS Admission in USA Details
Are you looking to do your MBBS abroad? Well then how about studying MBBS in USA? We provide MBBS admission in USA for Indian students. We will help you go through the different medical colleges in USA and choose the right school for you. Getting an MBBS degree from USA is no joke and it has high value wherever you go. If you truly dream about studying MBBS in America then you are in safe hands with us.
Are you a medical aspirant looking to do your MBBS in America? Here is everything you need to know!
Why Study MBBS in USA?
Globally Recognized Medical Degree
The American medical degree is recognized in every country and is also listed by the World Health Organization. The Medical Council of India allows MBBS graduates from America to practice medicine in India without having to go through the MCI Screening Test.
An MBBS student in America is paid around USD 3,500 to USD 5,500 during their residency. So basically the American MBBS fee is earned back at PG level. This in turn makes the MBBS fee structure in America much cheaper than fees in India.
NORI Certificate
The government of India will not issue the NORI (No Obligation to Return to India) Certificate if a student does his MBBS in India and his MD in America. Therefore it is better to begin MBBS course in America at a UG level.
Prestigious Hospitals for Internship
The hospitals that are affiliated to the medical colleges in America are of the highest quality and use some of the most modern and advanced medical instruments. The staff in these hospitals are the best in their field and provide the best education to the students and healthcare to the patients.
High Quality Education
The MBBS universities in America provide very high quality education. The colleges are staffed with globally acclaimed teachers who are specially trained to deal with international students. The syllabus concentrates more on actual learning rather than rote learning. The students face a lot less stress and are able to study in a freer environment. Students graduating from medical schools in USA are more likely to succeed than students graduating from any other country.
 Multi-faceted Country
The country consists of many ethnicities and cultures. It has food and culture from all over the world. Any international student can feel right at home in America. Also the country has a lot of heritage of its own making it a haven for tourists.
Good Accommodation
The medical schools in America provide separate hostels for international students and also have a wide variety of vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes. International students have nothing to fear when it comes to living in America.

Advantages of studying MBBS in USA
·         No capitation fees in required to study MBBS in America.
·         The average salary of a doctor in USA is USD 200,000.
·         The MBBS duration in USA matches that of India.
·         MCI allows graduates from America to practise without going through any licensing exams.
·         The quality of education is very high and the degree is globally acclaimed.
·         Prestigious hospitals for internships.
·         High scope of employment.
·         Vast opportunity for research.

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